• 1990

    On November 2, 1990, he entered the Training Academy as a Police Recruit. Upon completion of basic training on May 8, 1991, he was assigned to Uniform Patrol at the East Precinct.

    As a Police Officer, he worked various assignments which included the East Precinct Alpha shift, North Precinct Alpha shift, and the Organized Crime Unit.

  • 2000

    Promoted to the rank of Sergeant. As a Sergeant, his assignments included the General Assignment Bureau, Homicide Unit, Felony Response Charlie shift, and the Project Safe Neighborhoods Unit.

  • 2005

    Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant. As a Lieutenant, his assignments included Felony Assault Unit, the Organized Crime Unit – Criminal Apprehension Team, Old Allen Station Bravo shift, and Old Allen Station – General Investigation Bureau.

  • 2013

    Promoted to the rank of Major. As a Major, his assignments included Tillman Station Bravo shift and South Main Station Bravo shift.

  • 2016

    Appointed to the rank of Colonel. As a Colonel, he worked in Old Allen Station and the Organized Crime Unit.

  • 2019

    Promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief and assigned to the Uniform Patrol District II.